This is the sort of stupid shit I have to get up to on a Monday morning
How not to apply for a model position.
Hello my friend, turn me into a girl!
“I am from northwest Pakistan and I need visa, a friend and I want you to turn me into a girl.”
Despite specifically putting not to send this rubbish in the model criteria page, this cretin decides to post this anyway. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ????
Do you think we have the ability to get you a visa? … Read More
The Transsexual Erotica Archive of Magazines and Films – we need your help!
I’m trying to create a historical archive of transsexual porn. This isn’t a money making venture but I believe we’re in a unique position to do this and who knows, it may be something we can pass down through history (ahem!).
I’m looking for photos, magazines, books and original film containing photos or illustrations of transsexual erotica and smut from any era pre-internet (mid-90’s). These will be housed safely in our air-conditioned studios and I’d have them scanned in for posterity and education, available free IF I can get the rights to do it.
We’re starting from pretty much nothing … Read More
Why Do You Want to Run a Solo Model Website?
Every TS model considering doing their own solo site, should read this before making any plans, investing any money or talking to any companies. We’ve been running solo model sites since the 1990’s and have seen the explosion of them in the last 5 yrs and the recent decline in revenues for them and the difficulties on making them work.
First of all, my advice to every TS model wanting to their own solo paysite is don’t do it. It’s incredibly hard to make money doing it and a lot of time and energy to run a proper site. Most … Read More