It’s a thankless task being a judge for the Tranny Awards. Nobody knows who they are (they don’t even know each other) until the night of the show and then nominees want to ask who they voted for or why they didn’t win. Each year I try to get a mix of industry and fans to judge the categories. Often some of the judges are also nominees, so they don’t get to judge on that category. Here is the process:
- Grooby office staff ask industry performers, producers, critics if they are interested in participating as a judge as well as put out the call for fan judges on
- Each judge gets given the list of nominees selected – and passwords or DVD’s sent out.
- In each category a judge rates their top 3 answers in preference and sends it back to Grooby.
- The top choice gets 3 points, while second and third, 2 and 1 point.
- Totals are added. In the event of a tie breaker, the winner will be the higher placed points (so if a nominee got 6 points by 6 judges rating them 3rd place a nominee with 2 judges rating them in 1st place, would be the winner).
The judges this year were:
Apache Warrior : A returning judge, Apache Warrior is critic for spending countless hours viewing and championing TS material for that site. Follow him on
Hanna : President of Centurion and Publisher of Transformation Magazine, Hanna has grown that magazine into the prestigious publication it is today.
Frank : Photographer and longtime producer of as well as shooting for other websites, he’s worked with practically every TS model worldwide.
Christian XXX : Nominated (and winning again) for Best Non-TS Performer, Christian knows this industry from inside out. Follow his kinky exploits at :
Matt Christopher : Known as NYSprod on Hungangels, is a fan from NYC.
Matthew : also known a BBaggins on Hungangels where he has been “annoying people there since 2007”
Rallycola : a stalwart of Hungangels and aficionadofor over a decade of TS porn.
Thank you all for a stellar job – this year was very tough and possibly the most competitive yet.